The Rockford Fosgate Element Ready Mono Amplifier Rockford Fosgate amplifiers are known world-wide for producing more power than their ratings suggest. The M5 amplifiers are the first series based on new industry standard Dynamic Power ratings, bringing their conservative ratings to the forefront. Engineered from the ground up and purpose-built to deliver more output where you actually hear it, this is real dynamic power that performs not only on paper, but performance heard through the musical experience. You’ll see two amplifier power ratings, the traditional Continuous Power output, and the new Dynamic Power output, both tested in accordance with the CTA-2006 specification. Consider Continuous Power as wattage developed on the test bench for comparison against other amplifiers in the same class, and Dynamic Power as real-world wattage when connected to a speaker load, listening to music. Either way you look at it, Rockford Fosgate is proving – once again – these amplifiers are powerful enough to drive any speaker or subwoofer you throw at them.
Rockford Fosgate amplifiers are known world-wide for producing more power than their ratings suggest. The M5 amplifiers are the first series based on new industry standard Dynamic Power ratings, bringing their conservative ratings to the forefront. Engineered from the ground up and purpose-built to deliver more output where you actually hear it, this is real dynamic power that performs not only on paper, but performance heard through the musical experience. You’ll see two amplifier power ratings, the traditional Continuous Power output, and the new Dynamic Power output, both tested in accordance with the CTA-2006 specification. Consider Continuous Power as wattage developed on the test bench for comparison against other amplifiers in the same class, and Dynamic Power as real-world wattage when connected to a speaker load, listening to music. Either way you look at it, Rockford Fosgate is proving – once again – these amplifiers are powerful enough to drive any speaker or subwoofer you throw at them.
Element Ready Mono Amplifier Features:
- Element Ready™ with integrated harnesses for a watertight seal
- PRESET removes the need to set-up and tune the amp when used with Rockford Fosgate UTV audio kits
- Play all day, easy to integrate, and keep music playing for extended lengths of time
- C.L.E.A.N. input/output clip detection and indicator LEDs
- Constant Power provides instantaneous delivery of output over varying impedance loads
- Focused mass heat sink allows critical aluminum material to be located around hottest internal devices
- Top mounted control panel with waterproof smoked lens
- OEM and aftermarket radio integration inputs
- Low Impedance Stability
- Proprietary testing using RATS (Rockford Automated Testing System)
- Class-BD technology provides 75-80% efficiency over traditional class A/B designs
- Discrete Surface Mount technology utilizes 1% tight-tolerances for high efficiency and reduced cross-talk
- MESHA 4 reduces MOSFET temps, lowers distortion, increases durability and prolongs device life span
- Chassis Isolation from mounting points greatly reduces possible introduction of vehicle noise
- Balanced Differential Inputs eliminates noise picked up by signal cables
- Remote-Out feature when using high level inputs
Signal Input:
- Low-Level: 2 RCA.
- High-Level: (2) 4-Pin Molex)
Tone Controls:
- High Pass: 12.5 kHz @ 14dB/Octave Butterworth.
- Low Pass: 45 Hz @ 18dB/Octave Butterworth.
Crossover Controls:
- High-Pass: 50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
- Low-Pass: 50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
- All-Pass: Yes
- Remote Controls:No
- Visual Indicators Power: Blue / Protect: Red / Input Clip: Red / Output Clip: Blue/Red
- Power Wire Gauge: 8 AWG
- Power Input Connector: Compression Terminal Block
- Speaker Wire Gauge: 16 AWG
- Speaker Output Connector: 4-pin Molex to tinned bare wire
- Cooling: Convection
- Heatsink: Die Cast Aluminum
- Operating Voltage: 9 - 16 VDC
- Recommended Fuse: 100 A
- Average Current Draw: 29 A
- Max. Current Draw: (13.8V Sinewave) 55 A @ 4Ω/ 85 A @ 2Ω / 90 A @ 4Ω Bridged
- Dimensions: (H x W x D) 1.7" x 4.25" x 8.41" (42.8 mm x 108 mm x 213 mm) Does not include harnesses