Get Your GDP Portals Installed Right
Installing a GDP Portal Gear Lift is a big job. You can make it simpler with SuperATV’s Portal Gear Lift Install Kit. It comes with the oil and equipment you need to get the job done fast and with fewer trips to the hardware store.
Comes with Everything You Need
Once your portals are installed, you still need brake fluid and gear oil to get out the door. Our install kit comes with 32 ounces of Portal Blood gear oil (enough for all four hubs, regardless of size), an oil pump to make filling easy, and Lucas Oil brake fluid to refill your extended brake lines. It even includes extra sealing washers for your brake line fittings.
Kit Includes:
- 32 oz. Portal Blood
- Portal oil pump
- 12 oz. Lucas Oil DOT 4 brake fluid
- Nitrile gloves
- SuperATV shop rag
- (8) M10 x 14 copper sealing washers
- Comes with gear oil and brake fluid
- Makes completing your portal install easier
- Oil pump makes filling your hubs simple and mess-free
Portal Blood Features:
- Lasts up to 4 times longer than other gear oil
- Enough to fill all four portal hubs (4”, 6”, or 8”)
- Keeps water from clinging to surfaces
- Strengthens and enlarges seals
- Lowers operating temperature